Stay positive…when one door closes another one often opens……..
Providing our design engineering services directly to our clients as a company, means we need to be ready and ‘available' to work. This of course is a real challenge and one we constantly face month to month and sometimes even on a day to day basis. I’d love to tell you that we always get it right…….. but of course that wouldn’t be true, with circumstances sometimes completely changing after just one phone call and our work schedule being turned upside down, through losing an opportunity before we’ve even had a chance to get started!
In this situation we try to stay positive, as from previous experience we have often found that when one door closes another one opens, thus we anticipate another opportunity coming along, one that we would not have contemplated and one that wasn’t even on the ‘radar'. Doing this means we stay ready and flexible to change where and when we are going to be working to enable us to respond to different customers requirements.
Very recently where we’d already started planning the project timeline with our client on a new project, being fully prepared to start the work, we received the news that the schedule had been unexpectedly delayed by a minimum of 6 months.
The door had closed on that opportunity so we got on with other internal work, whilst progressing other opportunities, already expecting something else to come along and fill the space.
A few days later I had a message from one of the recruitment consultants that we keep in touch with, he was basically asking me if I was available for some urgent contract work for one of his clients. I said yes as I'd just had a fairly big commitment to a client rescheduled and therefore could be available at very short notice to start next week…. another door had opened!
Thanks to
Michael Drake at Cooper Lomaz, who worked quickly and efficiently to get
the details sorted out. We really appreciated that he went the extra mile
and put in a considerable amount of effort to get things organised so fast.
By complete coincidence, the new client is located in the same town and is literally just over the road from where I would have been originally working!