With all the bad storms of late, it certainly has the feeling that autumn has arrived and the heat of the summer sun has now left us for another year. With the emergence of September just round the corner and the return to school for our children, like many other parents we are looking forward to the new academic year both with relief and anxiety. It seems unreal that after nearly six months of home schooling, we can now focus on our own tasks, jobs, careers and businesses.
This new reality we are all living in means we have to reset our expectations. I’m sure I’m like many others out there who hoped that by now Covid-19 and the ‘lock-down’ might have faded into a bad nightmare. However, despite these hopes and aspirations, I have to face reality that there will be no return to normal for a while yet.
From a professional perspective, as a design engineer and offering professional CAD and other engineering services, I can do most of this work remotely, communicating with clients over the phone or across Skype or Zoom etc. I can’t deny that it has been hard battening down the hatches recently, but we’re certainly doing all we can to weather the storm.