Once upon a time: The story of product development


Is it just me, or does anyone else think of product development as telling a story? Each idea has a beginning, middle and end. The theme might be too fantastic or boring, or worse takes a turn into horror or comedy, but nonetheless, if a component or product could talk, it would definitely have a good story to tell.

How a product began, from the spark of an idea to how ideas were generated and a visual creation assembled, its journey to market, including changes to specs and materials, all parallel a similar route in that thoughts, ideas and concepts are turned into something real, something tangible.

Fitness for purpose

As respected design engineers, we all know and appreciate that sometimes a story might not end the way we had liked or planned, so it’s important to surround ourselves with flexible and agile partners who are able to make any necessary changes within required deadlines.

As long as the final product serves the marketplace and the end user well then it has fulfilled its purpose and the story ends, until new developments or breakthroughs are made in the scientific or engineering worlds, and V.2 or “the sequel” is being scoped out and the story cycle starts again.