PDM to PLM - Business and Process Improvement - Concurrent
We're off to the National Motorcycle Museum in Solihull on Thursday next week to spend time learning more about Business & Process Improvement, by transitioning from PDM to PLM. Thanks to Concurrent Engineering, who are hosting the session, there's free registration and parking, plus we get treated to a buffet breakfast and coffee.
Knowing that it's organised by Concurrent, we are expecting an informative and productive time and it will be really useful to hear from and meet the various industry experts who have gone or are going through the process.
Further information is on the Concurrent Engineering website but the key areas we'll be exploring, according to the Concurrent Engineering website, will be:-
The event will be particularly useful for us as we continue to develop our own capability and services for working with our clients, not only streamlining our product design and development processes but also supporting our clients through transition phases of projects and enabling us to continue to provide appropriate and effective design engineering solutions at all points along the product development cycle.
The session will be between 9am and 12 noon.......and I'll be grabbing a bite to eat during lunchtime after catching up with a few contacts with a further meeting between 2pm and 3pm. If you want to meet up thereafter to discuss how we can help you with your product development and design engineering, please get in touch as I'd be delighted to speak with you to explore any opportunities you might have, whether they be large or small.