You only have to turn on the television or tune in to the radio to hear someone talking about having to make changes in order to live in today’s world of the new normal. The creation of ‘think tanks’ for this and that Governmental department has become a usual part of the Downing Street daily updates.
As a design engineer I’m used to working together with our clients to bring a new product to market, whether this may be a completely new invention or a reinvention of something that has already been manufactured. During these changing times, we’re all being faced with the challenge of devising new ways of doing things, albeit in a socially distanced manner.
As more of the UK workforce is returning to their official workplace and readies itself for a brave new world, reinvention is going to be a key factor, whether it takes the form of new processes, a change in how a product is made or servicing a completely new market sector.
But I’m feeling positive that we can all work together and pull through, I’m hopeful too that any changes implemented will make improvements to the world in which we live. So with these thoughts in mind I’ll leave you with the words of Miranda from Shakespeare’s play The Tempest, to ponder on: “O brave new world, that has such people in’t”.